I am starting to catch up on my puzzling! Feels great to be back at it!

I have so many Ravensburgers in my puzzle stash, mostly because I always find images that I like under their brand. As I’m trying to work through my collection, I have recently completed two Ravensburger puzzles and I would like to do some mini reviews here.

The first one is Shadows by artist Carole Gordon

Shadow Art

This is a very popular puzzle in puzzle groups. It is bright and colorful and easy enough as a break for an experienced puzzler, and a challenge to a beginner. I liked this one because it has such a vivid image. However, I did find that the quality of mine was off. I had some peeling pieces and some that just didn’t lie flat. Very unusual for a Ravensburger, so I am just hoping mine was a bad cut. I also found that the colors on the box were slightly off in tone from the puzzle itself. At the beginning, that bothered me. Then I decided to put the box away and complete it by following the pattern of the puzzle. That added to my challenge, and it was actually a lot of fun! If you do this one, start with the left side and all the greens. The reds took me the longest. Fun puzzle and makes a great gift for someone that likes color or dislikes a lot of tiny details. It is also a great alternative to a collage style puzzle. I liked this one.

If I liked that one, I loved the next one. I wrote about Dean MacAdam in a previous post, and I am so thrilled with Ravensburger Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My! (Wizard of Oz) puzzle. 


I’m glad I have two others in my pile, and he has more coming soon! They will be joining my collection without a doubt. The pieces were cut well, with the usual Ravensburger quality. Dean’s art is very unique and makes his work so recognizable. This puzzle was a fun and whimsical take on The Wizard of Oz. The characters are cute and quirky, and the colors are bright. I smiled the whole time I was working on it. The trees gave me the most trouble, but aside from that, it was just enough of a challenge to keep me going. To add to my experience, my young daughter is a big fan of the Wizard of Oz characters, so she helped me with the puzzle and completed Dorothy for me. That added to my joy. This one will be going up on the wall.


Coming soon, an artist interview and some more reviews.  Let me know if you try these puzzles!