I love my Magnolia puzzles! I have always said so and it has not changed.

I have a big collection of Romi Lerda puzzles and love the artwork, but I tried another one that was a bit of a different style for me -

autumn rain puzzle Autumn Rain Puzzle Review

May I say that this was the most challenging Magnolia puzzles that I have done so far? I’ll probably revise that comment after I finish the Audrey Hepburn puzzle, but until then…

Quality was excellent as always, and this one had a bit more puzzle dust than I remember, but I will absolutely recommend this puzzle if you want a challenge! 

I wasn’t sure how to attack this one because the bulk of the pieces are blue and green. Therefore, I sorted all those pieces into different trays and worked on the middle. This was the first time I think I ever approached a puzzle this way as the peachy color and the tree in the middle were finished before anything else. 

Autumn Rain Puzzle Review Autumn Rain Puzzle

What next? The sky. But those pieces are blue. So it was time to sort the blue pieces again and separate the ones that were in a different tone of blue. Once that was done, I searched for all the pieces that had windows and I arranged the blue side windows and green side windows.

The bottom cobblestone road was the most difficult because the pieces were very similar but once I had the pieces in a tray it was a lot of trial and error.

The end result was beautiful and worthy of display. I loved the tiny raindrop details.

I needed this challenge and I would recommend this Jigsaw puzzle game to anyone.

Please let me know what else you would like me to write about. I’ll be looking for some fall puzzle ideas next :)