

Puzzles have been shown to improve developmental and learning abilities in children. Additionally, they are scientifically proven to be very effective in promoting new skills in children. In addition to providing them with multiple long-term intellectual and cognitive benefits, puzzles are an educational alternative for children who learn by playing,...

By Robert Vineberg Read more

My almost 4-year-old loves to “help” with Mommy’s puzzles. This assistance consists of hiding her dolls in the box of pieces, sticking pieces in play-doh, and scattering the pieces all over while laughing at the mess. How do puzzlers work on their images with young children around? How can you...

By Mandy Finkelstein Read more

Many of you have long known that puzzles present many benefits for a child's early development, from starting with simple knobbed puzzles outlined in simple shapes fitting into corresponding cut-out boards to more complex still houses of real-world objects that take more brainpower and consideration.  Puzzles are a great way...

By Robert Vineberg Read more
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