
Sam Timm

  • Carl Larsson

    "Carl Larsson" 1853  - 1919, a Swedish painter representative of the Arts and Crafts movement. A 1000 piece collage created by Cobble Hill Creations to celebrate the paintings and life...
  • Farmstead Flyby, Sam Timm

    Farmstead Flyby 500 piece puzzle features geese heading south for the winter, a rustic farmhouse with a barn, silo and vintage truck
  • Welcome to the Cabin, Sam Timm

    Eat. Drink. Laugh. Relax. Look at some ducks. Bring the welcoming coziness of the cabin to your home with this puzzle from Sam Timm of Wild Wings Art.
  • A Quiet Place, Sam Timm (1000pcs)

    The three deer have found "A Quiet Place" to rest for the evening. They'll grab a drink of fresh water from the lake before settling in the snow near Sam...
  • Sunset Cardinals, Sam Timm (1000pcs)

    It's a beautiful evening in the quaint little town. But the Sunset Cardinals are in a stir as they gather near the Timm home to discuss the open mailbox! Not...

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