

We are in the season of pumpkins and costumes. Halloween is coming up quickly! A few years ago, I wrote about the limited number of puzzle options for Halloween. Things have changed since and there are some great choices out there. A couple of Halloweens ago, I got my hands...

By Mandy Finkelstein Read more

I have three puzzles in process at this time.  I was working on a fun KI as well as a Cobble Hill puzzle. Then, I received a great puzzle in a trade and I just had to do it. Introducing – Ravensburger Village Harbor from 2014. There is something about...

By Mandy Finkelstein Read more

I am a big fan of Aimee Stewart, but I am not a huge fan of Buffalo Puzzle. I know this is an unpopular opinion because Buffalo is a great brand. The pieces are just a bit too glossy for my taste, but that’s just me. However, Aimee just released...

By Mandy Finkelstein Read more
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