Due to some home renovations and life in general, I have been unable to get to my puzzle table. Instead, I have been looking online for puzzles and reading in the puzzle groups. I will never criticize or question a fellow puzzler – I was just shocked by the size of some of the collections, and also surprised by some of the comments.

I started with two puzzles and kept them on my table. Then I had six, so I piled them in the corner. Then I had to buy a storage box to hold my 10 puzzles. Finally, I had to buy an Ikea shelf to store my 25-30 puzzles. I will stop there. If they don’t fit on my shelf, I am not taking them. Your collection is your own.

I am lucky to do 2 or 3 a month and was impressed by the people who do 300-500 puzzles a year! I cannot imagine having that kind of time. 😊

I was chatting with some of the group members. One person has over 500 in her to do pile and had to turn the extra bedroom into puzzle storage. Others use the garage. Others have huge shelving units. There is no method to the (dis) organization lol


Some people feel pressure to have the biggest collections and some of the comments were kind of critical – almost shaming for smaller collections or trying to top each other. As I stated in one of my first blogs, there is no right or wrong when puzzles are concerned. You can collect two or two thousand. You can collect a certain artist, brand, or theme. You can choose to limit to what fits, or make more space.

My friend Samina sent me a photo of her 200 plus puzzle collection neatly organized on shelves. She is on top of her puzzle game. And if she collects more or less, great.

Please stay tuned for my August and September blogs, and more. I am working on a fun Galison puzzle. I have an amazing Yazz to review. AND, I will be sharing some information about speed puzzling competitions and some puzzler interviews.

How many Jigsaw puzzles do you have? Let me know 😊